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Mountain View Garden Club is a not-for-profit organization, founded in 2005.
Our mission is to share our knowledge and love of gardening while
beautifying the Elk Mountain area and surrounding communities.
Our Club meets once a month from March through December, with educational sessions, field trips, and summer garden hopping tours.
On the first Sunday in June, we host the Plant Sale/Exchange & Marketplace at the Clifford Community Center in Clifford, PA. The event is open to the public to purchase and exchange plants with other gardeners and enjoy local food, vendors, a flea-market, and music. Prior to the event the club members dig plants from our gardens to stock the exchange. Community members are able to bring two of their own plants to exchange for two of equal value/size or just purchase from our supply. This event is our main fundraiser and along with membership dues we use the funds to pay club expenses and support local school and community grant programs.
Officers & Standing Committee Chairs
President..............................................Katie Cicilioni
Vice President........................................ John Stahl
Recording Secretary....................................Maureen Kupiec
Corresponding Secretary................................Juliana Piccini
Treasurer..................…..................................Rachel Bembas
Standing Committee Chairs
Membership...................................................Louise Guszick
Programs..........................................................Janelle Zigon
Fundraising............…...........................................JoAnn Hall
Grants.....................….......................... Hélène Tinsley
Hometown Pride Award................................John Stahl
Civic.................................................................Louise Guszick
Publicity/Newsletter......…....................................Sally Roberts & Susan Haff
Refreshments........................................... Ann Marie Noone